Spiral Wrap for Sale: Enhance Your Grapple Setup
Outback Wrap has many sizes of spiral wrap for sale that cover many applications across many industries.
This customer was looking for spiral wrap for sale for his grapple set up. After shopping the options he chose Outback Wrap Hose Tamers. In forestry operations, grapples are commonly used for handling logs, branches, and brush. They facilitate efficient loading and stacking of materials, streamlining logging and timber harvesting processes.
The grapple's hoses, pictured, are wrapped with both Anaconda (1 1/4" in diameter (32mm) spiral wrap) and Python (13/16" in diameter (20mm) spiral wrap) hose wrap. A Hose Tamer was also added to each pair of hoses to keep them from getting tangled up in tree limbs.
Needless to say, when this customer was looking for heavy duty spiral wrap for sale he was happy to find Outback Wrap!
Outback Wrap hose wraps identify, organize and protect hoses and cables. All Outback Wraps can be used by farmers, ranchers, agriculturists, machine operators, and every day people. Outback Wrap makes “Hooking Up Easy” on the farm, in a factory, at your home or office/business or on your equipment.